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The Ranks by α℘℘ʟℯנαḉкṧ

Here you will find all of the information that you need to know. From rules, to what the site offers - you can find it here. If you still have questions or you're confused after reading through this board, check out our Questions board!

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[Guest Friendly]Have you read through our Information board? - If yes, and you still have questions, feel free to post them here! A staff member or a friendly member will be happy to answer your questions here.

Hey guys! - Advertising Contest by α℘℘ʟℯנαḉкṧ

Here you will be able to find all of the updates and announcements that the staff feels you should be aware of. Any news/updates/announcements that is posted will also be put up in the top table at the home page

Things to buy by α℘℘ʟℯנαḉкṧ

So you want to change your display name? Maybe you want your site advertised on our boards - come check out all of the things that we have to offer you.

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We are always open for suggestions! If you'd like to see something new on the site - or maybe even something changed - feel free to create a thread here! We'd be happy to hear your thoughts and opinions!

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Introduce yourself! :)

Performance Hall

Do you sing? Would you care to share it with us? Whether it be a video, youtube, or sound cloud, let us listen!

Do you play a musical Instrument? Would you care to share your work? Post it here! Whether it be a sound file, something from sound cloud, youtube, or anything else! We wanna see!

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If you're specifically looking for critique on either Vocal or Instrumental performance - post here! You can include your own performance, or a scenario with questions on what others think you should do, etc!

On Paper

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Did you create a song for Instrumentalists - but don't want to/can't perform it? Post it here! We'd love to see what you've created!

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Did you create a song with lyrics - but don't want to/cant perform it? Post it here! We'd love to read your work!

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Did you create something with notes and lyrics - but don't want to/can't perform it? Post it here! We're always interested to see how you've put things together both instrumentally and vocally!

Artists and Bands

Fan of a certain artist or band? Start a thread about them here - or join one that's already been created!

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The most talked about Artist and Bands under the Fans board will have their own thread here that will have all of the information pertaining to the Artist or Band along with information such as tour schedules.

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Fan of a particular song, but not necessarily the artist or band? Post the song and your opinions about it here! Why do you only like just that song? What don't you like about the band? etc.

Lets talk Music

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Talk about anything in relation to vocals here

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Talk about anything in relation to music here

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Can't find the right board for the right topic, but it pertains to music? Post it here!


Interested in contributing to Music Matrix? Apply for a staff position here!

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Are you taking a leave of absence? Let us know about it here!

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Chat about anything not in relation to music here!


Distant Fantasies: RPG Resource & Directory [IPB] by heather

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Warriors && StarClan by jen

These are some cool sites that you might be interested in!

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